


A guide to the complex world of social media




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4.1 LinkedIn Feed (Images & videos)

The LinkedIn Feed allows you to post and share image and video content using the share box at the top of the LinkedIn homepage.

4.2 LinkedIn Poll

The LinkedIn Polls feature helps you engage with other members by asking them for their perspectives on various topics. Polls help you understand trends and opinions and can be a great conversation starter.

4.3 LinkedIn carousel (PDF Document)

Organic LinkedIn carousels make use of LinkedIn's "Add a document" functionality and feature multiple creatives that people can swipe through while on your LinkedIn feed. This means you can give your story texture to create more engagement. Plus, the eye-catching designs of carousels make them stand out on the feed.

4.4 LinkedIn sponsored carousel

Carousel image ads are a Sponsored Content ad format that displays in the LinkedIn feed. They display multiple images in succession in a carousel-style format. The video format is not available for carousel ads.

4.5 LinkedIn Text ad

LinkedIn Text Ads are intuitive, self-service ad formats that enable you to easily create, manage, and optimise customised campaigns in a matter of minutes. With Text Ads, you can target a premium professional audience and drive high-quality leads to your business—all on a budget that works for you.

4.6 LinkedIn spotlight Dynamic Ad

Spotlight Ads are a Dynamic Ad format that are personalised to each LinkedIn member and take them to your website or landing page. The ads are seen on desktop and are tailored to individual members based on their LinkedIn profile data, like profile photo, company name, or job title.

4.7 LinkedIn follower ad

Follower ads encourage members to follow your LinkedIn or Showcase Page on desktop or mobile devices. These ads are tailored to each member as they feature their profile photo next to your company's logo, plus their first name and your company name in the ad copy.

4.8 LinkedIn sponsored single image

Single image ads are a Sponsored Content ad format. The ads include one image and appear directly in your campaign's target audience member's feed.

4.9 LinkedIn sponsored video

Captivate a professional audience with sight, sound and motion through LinkedIn Video Ads in the LinkedIn feed.

4.10 LinkedIn Sponsored document

LinkedIn Document Ads allow you to display documents directly in the LinkedIn feed, and advertisers can reach members who can read and download content without leaving the platform.

4.11 LinkedIn Message ad

With LinkedIn Message Ads, you can send targeted messages directly to the people who matter most to your business delivered in real-time.

4.12 LinkedIn events

Event ads allow you to promote from your Page to a defined audience. As a Sponsored Content ad format, event ads are displayed in a member’s LinkedIn feed on desktop and mobile devices and optimied to highlight important event details.